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10 Problems Every Sunday School Faces



A recent survey gave an insight into the problems that face the local Sunday school. Here are some of those problems with possible solutions.

Lack of good Sunday school literature and resources.

Its hard to believe that some schools have a problem with all the resources available today, from denominational and independent sources. If you are not happy with what is provided for you dont be afraid to look around and try new materials. Its a good idea to look at your own denominational beliefs but if it does not fill your needs, keep looking.

Lack of money.

If this is a problem in your church, have a good look at your total church budget. How does your Christian education budget compare to other expenses of your church? Take a look at how your Sunday school is spending its money. Is money being spent on unnecessary or unused items? Are members of the congregation aware that you need funds for the Sunday school activities.

Lack of space.


This is not a problem that is easily solved short of a major building programme, which space and money may prohibit. Have a good look at the area you currently use. Can this be better utilised? Are all rooms used, even a kitchen can be used for a small class. Are there classes that can be combined? Can the room be divided?

Lack of support by local leaders and congregation.

In many churches only one-third or less of the persons who attend the worship service are a part of the Sunday school. Do these persons who are not in Sunday school understand and appreciate Sunday school and its needs? Positive promotion and information about the Sunday school will do much to help others learn more. The best way to help others become more supportive is to get them involved.

Lack of concern about Sunday school by leaders.

Local churches are often concerned because their pastor is not more involved with the Sunday school. This is not always possible for them due to work load etc. But, dont forget to involve them in the planning and programming stages. Most pastors understand the importance of Sunday school and will help when they can. In recent times many denominational leaders have also increased emphasis on Christian education and Sunday school.

Lack of growth in all age groups.

Its a fact that the majority of Sunday schools are experiencing little or no growth in numbers. There is no easy answer to get new members into your Sunday school. It involves examining your program and then working to invite others to come and be part of it. The best way is simply to ask everyone bring one. If our Sunday schools are to grow, we must all play our part in the attendance building efforts and invite our friends and neighbours.

Lack of children and young people within the Sunday school.

Young people and children are the future of our Sunday schools. If they are not there the future looks very bleak. Most communities have children, the problem is getting them to attend Sunday school. A good effective programme can keep the children, if parents will bring them. A way forward for this is to have a total family oriented program that can minister not only to the children, but to each family member.

Shortage of teachers and workers.

Recruitment and training of new Sunday school teachers should be part on an on-going program. Setting terms of service for teachers is also a good way to prevent burn out and make a rotating service system.

Lack of spiritual growth.

Growth in attendance and spiritual growth very often go side by side. If the members of the Sunday school are growing spiritually they will be excited and happy to invite their friends. God and His word are central to Sunday school, if members are not growing in the Lord, we need to examine what is happening. A review of the programme will be necessary. A renewed commitment by our teachers and our members to Bible reading, study and prayer is a good place to start.

Lack of training for Sunday school teachers and workers.

This is understandable the number one problem of Sunday school leaders. In some ways this problem is linked with other problems within Sunday school. It affects our attendance, our spiritual growth and our ability to recruit new teachers etc. Encourage each of your teachers and potential teachers to read Christian books and magazines and to attend workshops and seminars. If training workshops are not available within your community why not plan one of your own soon?

Julia Shipley is a committed Christian worshipping and serving in her local church. She has a heart for the young children and the youth believing the word of God is the final authority. For information regarding

Sunday school lessons

and other

Bible stories


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10 Problems Every Sunday School Faces