By Darrell Miller

We all know for a fact that most medical conditions are caused by microorganisms. Certain complications from a natural disease condition are also developed most of the times by certain microorganisms. One of these microorganisms is the very common bacteria. However, bacteria are not that bad at all. There are millions of bacteria that normally inhabit the human body with beneficial purposes. In fact, certain biological processes are made possible with the help of these bacteria. One renowned bacterium is the Lactobacillus acidophilus.

From the name itself, Lactobacillus acidophilus is a milk bacterium that dwells at a lower pH or acidic environment. This kind of bacteria is a homo-fermentative strain in which it has the ability to ferment sugars into lactic acid. In addition, this bacterium is not only acid-loving but it also has the capability of producing acid which can adequately protect the human tissues from harmful microorganisms that can cause diseases. L. acidophilus is a normal flora of the gastrointestinal tract most especially in the mouth.

Generally, L. acidophilus is experimentally tested and proven to be beneficial to the human body since it produces vitamin K and the enzyme lactase. Lactase helps in the proper digestion of lactose from milk and milk products into glucose and galactose subunits. It is also a source of antimicrobial substances such as acidolin, acidolphilin, lactocidin and bacteriocin. In this connection, L. acidophilus is the most widely used friendly bacteria or probiotics available in the market. The beneficial effect of L. acidophilus occurs when such bacterium strain performs biological process such as food digestion in the intestines; it forms lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide and these substances make the gastrointestinal environment unfavorable to bad bacteria. In addition, antibiotic therapy can significantly alter the number of friendly bacteria in the digestive tract. That is why probiotics are used as good bacteria supplement when taking antibiotics to balance the good and bad bacteria. Studies show that probiotics can help recondition the healthy balance of bacteria in the stomach and intestines.


L. acidophilus in the vagina is also very helpful in preventing infections such as those caused by yeast strains. The acid it produces diminishes the growth of the unsafe fungus Candida albicans that commonly settles in the vagina and/or intestinal tract. Candida albicans can cause vaginal yeast infections. Studies are also undertaken to observe the positive effect of L. acidophilus on oral and gastrointestinal Candidiasis. The number of L. acidophilus in the vagina may be diminished with the use of birth control substances such as spermicides and contraceptive creams. A decreased number in L. acidophilus would result to lesser vaginal acidity thus paving the way to possible vaginal infections.

L. acidophilus also aides in the breakdown of foods and manufacture of some vitamins. Heavy antibiotic use can reduce your natural ability to manufacture some vitamins, and a supplement is needed to help attain good nutrition when our intestinal tract is compromised.

Lactobacillus acidophilus is present in the food we eat. A great source of L. acidophilus is milk, milk products and yogurts enriched with acidophilus cultures. L. acidophilus is available in preparations like freeze-dried granules, freeze-dried powders, freeze-dried capsules, liquid and yogurt with probiotic cultures. It is best that this kind of supplement should be refrigerated. However, there are already available forms that do not break down at normal temperature which may be convenient for travelers.

You can find Lactobacillus acidophilus at your local or internet vitamin store in the refrigerated section. Always choose name brands when buying acidophilus and always choose a product that states the how much live bacteria is present in each serving.

About the Author: If you have been on antibiotics, or suspect you need a boost in acidophilus, give

Lactobacillus acidophilus

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