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At present, ERP or enterprise resource planning is one of the common online programs used to manage internal and external functions in an organization. Generally, ERP handles a wide range of topics like accounting, manufacturing and customer relationship management. Let’s see here a brief introduction of enterprise resorece planning in today’s marketing world. ERP is one of the best used software programs to enhance the flow of information in businesses. Enterprise resource planning generally operates on a variety of hardware and network configurations.Originally, ERP or enterprise resource planning was introduced as an extension of MRP or material requirements planning, manufacturing resource planning and computer integrated manufacturing. It serves like an integrated system that handles the data requirements of a company. In one sentence, ERP can be defined as a common database that supports all applications. Real time access to data is one of the main advantages of choosing ERP.Over consumption of raw materials is a common drawback in today’s busy lifestyle. Implementing the right ERP reduces errors and minimizes the loss in businesses. Customer relationship management plays an important role in getting satisfactory result in online businesses. If you have implemented the right ERP, there is no need to hesitate about the data requirements. It performs the role of a single integrated system that handles all information under one control.What is the most important part of an ERP system? This is a common question asked by many people. Central database, the main part of enterprise resource planning is found to be very useful to store valuable information. Apart from industrial use, ERP can be used in versatile fields like government agencies and non-profit organizations. Low cost maintenance is one of the main advantages of implementing ERP in companies. It automatically detects data needs and reduces the cost of labor work.Today, both small scale and large scale industries are implementing ERP to enhance their business profit. There are several advantages of using ERP in business field. Resource planning, operational control and management control are some of the top listed features of ERP or enterprise resource planning. In most cases, ERP software system comes in stores with application modules like accounting, finance and human resources. A complete system of ERP is a composition of business processes, ERP software, hardware and users. How to choose the best ERP for promoting online businesses? This is a relevant question asked by many people while reading this article.Before choosing any software from online markets, it is advised to check the use of implementing ERP software first. If implemented the right ERP software, it is found to be very effective to improve the flow of data in business processes. Similar to data integration, reducing the chance of error occurrence is another key topic to be discussed under ERP system software. ERP software provides real time access to data and minimizes the occurrence of error. Also, implementing the right ERP system software is found to be very effective to increase the accuracy of information.