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Submitted by: Jalil Haider
1. Smoking is a scourge of the 20th century and it was very late in the second half of
the last century that ill effects of this common household habit started revealing itself. Soon
it was scientifically proven to be the greatest preventable cause of premature death, but by
this time it was not possible to ban it out right. A lot has been done at Govt. level (like
stopping advertisement, awareness campaigns etc.)
2. It is the responsibility of the health managers at all levels to create awareness
amongst their clientele. It is in the same context that this write up is being sent fo
maximum dissemination to all.
Smoking Facts
3. For anyone who smokes, is planning to stop smoking or even just for general
information, it is useful to know the essential smoking facts as obviously the cigarette habit
has affected everyone at one time or other, directly or indirectly.
4. Smoking is today known to be the biggest cause of both preventable and premature
death. Smoking- related diseases are a cause of over 440,000 deaths in the US annually.
In the UK this figure stands at over 105,000 annually.
5. The life expectancy of a smoker is cut short by 10- 12 years and more than half of
all smokers die from smoking-related diseases. The younger the onset of smoking the
longer one will most likely smoke and younger one is more likely to die. Smoking is a slow
killer, not just the smoker but also those around him as they are affected by second- hand
6. Comparative smoking facts show that the risk of heart attack is 70% higher among
smokers than among non-smokers. The incidence of lung cancer is 10 times greater in
smokers than non-smokers and one out ten people that smoke will die from this disease.
Some 80% of smokers will at one time be diagnosed with heart disease, emphysema o
chronic bronchitis. Of the diseases attributable to the tobacco habit, 29% are from lung
cancer and 24% are caused by heart disease.
7. Over and above other cancers have also been linked to smoking, including cance
of the throat, mouth, stomach, cervix, breast and pancreas. All this is small wonder as
cigarette smoke has been found to contain over 4,000 chemical compounds and toxins, all
of which are very harmful to human health.
8. The good news is you can make a big difference to your health and these smoking
facts can be turned around. It is never too late to stop smoking which will greatly benefit
your health. And today is a good day to stop.
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Smoking for Teenagers
10. Teen smoking is very serious and the increased teenage smoking and tobacco use
is alarming. Yet, this trend is reversible, and the benefits of quitting smoking for teenagers
are immense. It is now a fact that teenage smoking and tobacco use is a regular habit
among the 13-18 year age group. Smoking statistics show in America that, 25% of 12th
graders and 28% of high school kids are smoking daily.
Tobacco Addiction
11. Whichever way we look at it, smoking is self- destructive behaviour that affects
many areas of the smoker s life and well-being. The major area that suffers of course is his
Smoking Effects Preventable
12. Simply put, there are no smoking effects that are good, not for the smoker, not fo
their children, pets or the environment.
Give Up Smoking
13. Smoking is bad for you. It is a cause of fatal disease and premature death and yet,
it is preventable. Moreover for every smoker, several other people are prone to smokerelated
diseases through second hand smoking. Give up smoking today and save lives,
eginning with your own.
Stop Smoking Plan Is Necessary
14. Most smokers at one time or other have had that deep desire to kick the habit.
Admittedly there is no easy way to do so because of the nature of this addiction.make money online
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