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Korg SP-170 Digital Piano Review
Ryan Guerrero
The family of Korg’s infamous SP line of digital pianos has recently given birth to a new member, the Korg SP-170. The youngest among all the SP models, the SP-170 is also the most portable and the most affordable. But despite its appealing price and size, the SP-170 still delivers the best piano playing experience. With a “keep it simple” principle in mind, this new SP tot is the perfect piece for any beginner and professional alike.
The Korg SP-170 comes complete with two concert grand piano sounds and each one, individually recorded with utmost care. It features several velocity layers to capture varying tones of playing dynamics, allowing it to respond expressively to every touch. Aside from its basic piano tones, it also has eight additional highly accurate sounds that complete the selection of keyboard sounds including an electric piano, harpsichord, vibraphone, pipe organ, electric organ, strings, and so much more. Adding warmth and form to its sound are only the best reverb and chorus effects that only Korg can provide. And although the SP-170 does not need any tuning, it can be adjusted and tuned to match any other musical instruments and can also be transposed to complement any musical key.
The Korg SP-170 is both stylish and economical. It is compact, humble, and is designed to perfectly fit the modern world. No other digital piano can deliver such solid and rich vibrant sounds that only an authentic grand piano can provide. Just like any other Korg SP family member, the SP-170 has a full 88-note piano-style keyboard with three touch curves that makes it responsive to any playing style. It also has the newly developed Natural Weighted Hammer Action (HM) that loyally reproduces the touch and distributed weight of real acoustic piano keys, but without tipping the scale beyond 26 pounds.
The SP-170 is not just an unassuming piece of work; it is also self-contained with its full stereo sound system. Its built-in sound system comes with a pair of full blown oval speakers that are housed in an internal bass-reflex cabinet producing a bold and deep, yet well-defined dynamic sound.
But perhaps the best thing that the Korg SP-170 offers is its versatility – it is more than just a musical instrument, it can be used as a recording medium as well. If you are someone who fancies recording or listening to his own performances, the SP-170’s dual headphone outputs will let you connect to a recording equipment or to an external amplifier, allowing you to satisfy your listening desires.
So whether you are a teacher or a student, a hobbyist or a professional, if you want a piano that will give you the feel of the grand stage and the confidence of being at home, the Korg SP-170 is the piano that you are looking for.
Buy the new Korg SP-170 Digital Piano and other musical instruments at Gigasonic.com and get special financing offers and no interest lay away plans.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Roy_R_Sencio
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Korg SP-170 Digital Piano Review